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Three Arbor Insurance | I Don’t Have Any Company Vehicles, Why Would I Need Auto Insurance?

By January 5, 2023Insurance

Every business operates in unique ways, and many use vehicles daily as a part of their business, from catering vans to work trucks. If your business doesn’t use a company vehicle as a part of their work, you may wonder why auto insurance is something you need. However, there are many business applications for which you or your employees may use your personal vehicles, which can be of the utmost importance when considering insurance types and levels.

The Importance of Day-to-Day Tasks

Business owners may use a personal vehicle for everyday tasks related to the business and without thinking twice about it. Something as simple as driving to the post office to collect the mail or making a run to the grocery store to pick up supplies for the break room can be considered a business activity. While doing these tasks for the company, many business owners think their personal insurance will suffice should anything go wrong. However, the fact that the vehicle is being used to perform tasks for the business brings its own set of unique risks to these mundane chores.

Protecting from Business Lawsuits

If you should get into an accident while running an errand for your business, it’s easy to think it would fall to your personal insurance. However, using your personal car for business purposes can run the risk of having that car be considered a company vehicle. If an accident should occur where the other party wishes to sue for damages, your business could be at risk of a lawsuit. Having company auto insurance can protect you from situations where an injured or damaged party seeks to sue your business, given you were using the vehicle on behalf of the business.

Protecting Your Employees 

Anytime an employee of your business is out running an errand in their own vehicle, that can be considered a company vehicle. This can run many of the same risks as previously mentioned with you driving your own vehicle. Having both hired and non-owned car insurance for your business can serve as a layer of protection if an accident should occur while another employee is performing these tasks. Proper employee protection can help keep the business as a whole safe.

Protecting What’s Important with Three Arbor Insurance

Backed by over 50 years of experience, Three Arbor Insurance has the skills and expertise to help you. Build a specialized insurance solution that is right for your business, and learn more about how we can help give your business financial stability and security. Get a quote from Three Arbor Insurance today!